Welcome Back to the 2023-2024 stitching year

Posted by on September 6, 2023 in News | 0 comments

First meeting Sunday September 10th at 1:30 pm – Neil Balkwill Centre

Presidents Message
Welcome Back!
September marks the start of getting back into routine whether it be work, guilds or school, as the heart of the summer fades. Fall transcends upon us with its beautiful colours and endless coloured skies.
For the Regina Stitchery Guild, it marks the beginning of another great year full of learning and getting back to the basics in our stitching practice. It’s exciting mid-month get togethers to spark that excitement of visiting with each other.
We start right off with the Mini Seminar Series, the weekend of September 16th. This weekend is going to be a joy. Participants will learn from their fellow stitchers and will create projects that are sure to spark more interest.
The countdown for Regina Stitchery Guild to host Endless Horizons 2024 is 9 months and the committees have been hard at work all summer to create the best experience for all participants. And Yes, there is still lots to do and Yes there is always room for more hands when you are ready to join us.
Your executive have wonderful ideas for this year, if you have any questions or suggestions just let us know.
Happy Stitching!

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